Bomb Rush Cyberfunk gets physical Switch release

Posted 13 Sep 2023 at 20:08 by Sam C Gittins
A physical version of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is coming on December 5th, 2023.
The game will be available at as both a retail version and exclusive edition, though it should be noted that there will be a longer wait time for the aforementioned version, which won't ship until Q4 2023.
Make sure to select the same region on the website, as this will determine which boxart you can order, though the Switch game card is of course region-free, though if you opt for the exclusive edition, the DLC code which comes with it us US region only.
Here's an overview of the game...
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is 1 second per second of advanced funkstyle. Battle rival crews and dispatch militarized police to conquer the five boroughs of New Amsterdam. Become All City.
Start your own cypher and dance, paint graffiti, collect beats, combo your tricks and face off with the cops to stake your claim to the sprawling metropolis of New Amsterdam.
Red is a graffiti writer who lost his head and instead has a Cyberhead. In search of his roots he joins the Bomb Rush Crew, Tryce and Bel, who are aiming to go All City. Together they slowly discover who it was that cut off his head and how deep Red’s human side is linked to the graffiti world.
And here's the original launch trailer...
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