Box Art: Fifa 2003

Inside we have the box art of Fifa 2003 along with some new game info!

New game info of Fifa 2003 has hit the net. EA has announced that the new soccer game will feature a new free kick system.

Here is how you will take a free kick in FIFA 2003. The first thing you'll notice will be a distance meter which will appear on the ground and tell you how far you are away from goal. This will let you decide how hard you want to kick the ball. The next thing you need to do is look at the power-bar at the left side of the screen. Using your left stick you move the player into position around the ball. You then use your right stick to move the marker on the ball which will inturn move the marker in front of the goal to show you where the ball will go in relation to which part of the ball you kick. In harder difficulty settings the indicator in front of the goal will be removed, meaning you will have to "know your football" in order to know where to kick the ball to get it into the back of the net. Once you're happy with your aiming you then press the button and, just like a golf game, a power bar will begin to move. Stop the bar in the green area for a good kick. The green area is bigger or smaller depending on the play and the meter moves faster depending on the skill level of the kick taker.

Cool ey? If that wasn't enough we have also got the official European box art for you to drool on:

Source: EA Games, SoccerGaming

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