Breaking News: Virtua Fighter on the NGC
Posted 30 Mar 2002 at 09:16 by Tim Symons
At Sega's GameJam event in Tokyo today, AM2 and Yu Suzuki revealed plans for a new Virtua Fighter game to be released on the GameCube.
The game will, surprisingly, not be a fighting game!
Yu Suzuki said that this game as "Virtua Fighter 10th Anniversary Special Project." He also explained that it would be an action-adventure-rpg game and that this is not a Virtua Fighter Kids type of game.
IGN had the honor to report that besides this there were also some more details revealed. The said that the A Button will achieve a kick and there's a power gauge. Also, everyone from the series (there won't be a single character missing) will appear in the game. Suzuki read most of this information from a stack of papers (perhaps a design document) which also contained screen shots.
We will keep you updated!

Source: IGN, GC-Inside