Buy the retail version and get a digital version for free with AKB48+Me

Posted 10 Oct 2012 at 13:37 by Joshua Phillips
In a rather confusing move, the first 3DS digital release in Japan will be included with the retail version of the game.
The upcoming idol simulator for Nintendo 3DS, AKB48+Me will come packaged with a digital download, so you can choose to keep using the cartridge or to instead download the title to your 3DS.
You'll no doubt be wondering why on earth they thought this would be a great idea, as surely gamers would simply use the download code and then sell the game on, but keep in mind that the second-hand market is an entirely different kettle of fish in Japan.
Nintendo plans to launch eight previously released retail titles on the 3DS eShop on November 1st in Japan with all upcoming first-party titles enjoying the same treatment.
AKB48+Me (catchy name) is set to release in Japan on October 25th for 5,670 yen.