Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Confirmed for WiiU Launch

Posted 13 Sep 2012 at 16:33 by Franklin Ó hAodha
As mentioned in our previous article - European Wii U launch titles confirmed - Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 will launch alongside the WiiU in Europe this Novemenber 30th. However the European Nintendo Direct Conference only gave the game a passing mention with no extra details or footage shown. Those details were instead provided at the US Nintendo Direct Conference which was airing at the same time as the European Conference.
At the US Conference multiplayer gameplay was shown off with 2 players on stage playing in one of the game online modes "Combat Training", this mode allows players to train against AI controlled bots either solo or with friends. As was demonstrated on the stage it is also possible for two players to play locally and be online from the same WiiU console and this can be done without splitting the TV screen in half; one player will get full use of the TV screen while the 2nd player can play using the GamePad and viewing his action on the Pads own screen.
Multiple control options were also confirmed with Black Ops 2 supporting not only both the GamePad and GamePad Pro but also support remains for Wiimote & Nunchuck controls which will be music to the ears of any Wii FPS fans. When a playing solo with the GamePad and viewing on the TV screen you'll also be able to make equipment changes or call in your Point Streak bonus' on the fly using the GamePads touch screen. Or alternatively you'll also be able to play the game soley on the GamePads screen if someone else wants access to the TV.
Below is a clip of the Black Ops 2 portion of the US Nintendo Direct Conference.