Celebrate Pokémon: Let’s Go! with Pikachu, Eevee, and a familiar song!

Posted 16 Nov 2018 at 14:30 by Sam C Gittins
...like no trailer before ever was!
Yes, Pokémon: Let’s Go! PIkachu & Eevee has officially launched today and Nintendo has celebrated on the official Pokémon YouTube channel by releasing the following video...
I think many of you will mostly agree that whatever your stance on the latest Pokémon games, the above trailer is certainly nostalgic if you remember watching the original TV series and for those who are maybe too young or haven't seen it yet, hopefully this will help to increase the audience even further for Pokémon in general and for these important first games on the Switch.
For what it's worth, I was personally on the fence, having cancelled my pre-order and was planning on just wishing everyone a happy launch day (which still applies of course) but as you might have guessed, even this humble staff member now has a copy on the way from the official Nintendo Store UK and while it isn't a review code, you can likely expect a review of it after a length of time down the proverbial Victory Road.
So in summary, Nintendo used Nostalgia... it's super-effective!
But what do you think of the latest Pokémon games? Did you opt for either version, both perhaps? Or maybe you're waiting for the next titles in the series to release in 2019.
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.