Charts: Latest Japanese Hardware & Software Sales

Sales for the week ending April 9th showed no significant changes: DS Domination circa 2006 continues.

Courtesy of Media-Create, we have the most recent sales figures from Japan.

DS Lite again reigned supreme by handily outselling all other platforms combined. Inklings from retailers have recently been shaping a definitive notion of a May-June launch in the West - will consumer interest prove as ravenous as it has been in Japan? Time will tell.

The week's console numbers:

No.ConsoleWeek SalesLast Week SalesYear Sales
1Nintendo DS Lite154,731149,371686,768
2Nintendo DS49,82559,903730,569
3PlayStation Portable30,56536,943583,059
4PlayStation 228,89633,301476,667
5Game Boy Advance SP5,2116,73294,442
6Game Boy Micro3,1032,99258,401
7Xbox 3601,9403,25835,363

On the software side, DS titles retained their torrid popularity and unchallenged lasting power. A pair of new PS2 baseball titles could not overtake More Brain Training. Also, English Training has now sold over 800k copies and seems to be on a steady march towards joining the DS Million-Seller Club in another month.

The weekly software numbers:

1DSDS Training For Adults: Work Your Brain More 80,972 Nintendo
2PS2Pro Baseball Spirits 3 68,538 Konami
3DSAnimal Crossing: Wild World 62,729 Nintendo
4DSDS Training For Adults: Work Your Brain 56,282 Nintendo
5PS2Pro Baseball Hot Star 2006 52,027 Bandai Namco
6DSEnglish Training 50,244 Nintendo
7DSPokemon Ranger 44,391 Nintendo
8PS2Final Fantasy 12 38,125 Square-Enix
9PS2Pro Soccer wo Tsukurou Europe Championship 23,375 Sega
10DSMario Kart DS 23,138 Nintendo

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