Charts: Latest Japanese Software & Hardware Sales

Sales ending February 12th reflect dwindling DS supply...even while DS software continues to dominate.

Courtesy of Media-Create, we have the most recent sales figures from Japan.

Sales of the Nintendo dual-screen portable hit its lowest mark in months as supply continued to prove elusive. Apparently due to the lunar New Year (Chinese New Year) shipment of new stock ceased for a two-week span culminating in the current supply shortages. Next week's numbers may prove quite a bit higher... unless the impending release of the Lite (which most Japanese would have found out about just recently as a result of new commericals and Nintendo's DS Conference) convinces potential new buyers to wait until March.

The week's console numbers:

No.ConsoleWeek SalesLast Week SalesYear Sales
1PlayStation Portable24,97725,905310,253
2PlayStation 222,38324,780217,840
3Nintendo DS10,22325,321351,803
4Game Boy Advance SP5,4055,64952,337
5Game Boy Micro2,9343,19931,987
7Xbox 3601,2882,19422,658
8Game Boy Advance1501151,477

On the software side, DS continued to prove popular as the "Training" series led the way for yet another week. New DS software was also present in the Top 10 in the form of Namco's Machigai Museum, a pick-up-and-play title that has players quickly idenitfy inconsistencies in the game's "levels".

The weekly software numbers:

1DSEnglish Training 72,290 Nintendo
2DSBrain Training 2 70,407 Nintendo
3DSAnimal Crossing: Wild World 57,335 Nintendo
4PS2Siren 2 49,780 SCE
5DSDS Training For Adults: Work Your Brain 32,082 Nintendo
6DSRight Brain Master! Machigai Museum 21,132 Namco
7PS2Tourist Trophy 20,433 SCE
8PSPMonster Hunter Portable 20,126 Capcom
9PS2Onimusha Dawn of Dreams 19,916 Capcom
10DSMario Kart DS 18,304 Nintendo

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