Comic: GamerPALs #31

The N-Europe GamerPALs visit an art exhibition...

Drawn by Connell Wood

Pub Date: 16/07/07

And as a special bonus this comic is also available as a desktop wallpaper. Just right click HERE and "save as".

And don't forget you can check out previous GamerPALs editions HERE.

Sadly, it seems this was not as original idea as I thought! MisterIngo on deviantart beat me too it by a good 8 months! I googled and such to see if it had already been done before I started, but sadly, the internets failed me. If you want to see MisterIngo's version of this idea, check it out HERE.

Apologies to all, it can be hard to be original, but do understand, I geniunely had no idea about this pic. Connell Wood, Gamer Pals artist

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