Doodle Hex

Competition: Doodle Hex

Halloween will soon be upon us, and we've got five copies of upcoming DS spellcaster Doodle Hex to give away...

What better way to celebrate Halloween this year than with your very own copy of Doodle Hex, courtesy of its publishers Pinnacle Software? In this turn-based spell-casting battler, game players enrol within the College of Runes and learn to fight by drawing runes on the DS' touch screen to cast elemental magic, scribbling your enemies into the next Ice Age.

To get your hands on one of five copies of the game, we want to see (or hear) your best impression of your favourite monster or villain, be it from a film, game, book, or even N-Europe (no "100% GUARANTEED!"s, please).

To enter record a video, upload it to Youtube and link us to your entry via a comment below. Alternatively, you can record a voice clip or video and send the file to us at nathan.whincup[at] Oh, and make sure you identify yourself in your entry, eg. "this is Reginald from N-Europe" so we know who's who.

This competition is open to all visitors within Europe - and the closing date is Tuesday 28th of October.

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