Contest: Who found the five Links?

Tadadadaaaam! Inside we have the five winners of our Zelda Contest! Head inside to see if you are the owner of brand new copy of Zelda: The Wind Waker...

In order to win a copy of Zelda for the GameCube they had to find the five lost Links in our December news archive, click the image above for more details. We got hundreds of submissions and now we will announce the five lucky winners! Are you ready....

The winners are:

  • Christiaan Laan, England
  • Patrice Kuntz, France
  • Tim Peeters, Belgium
  • Thomas Cullen, Republic of Ireland
  • Robert vd Steen, The Netherlands

Congrats guys!!! For those of you who did not win this time, have no fear. A new contest will follow shortly. Thanks for your help finding the the missing Links!

We would like to thank our sponsor Lan-Kwei for making this contest possible! Please visit the online store and enjoy their low prices by clicking this link: .

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