Devil's Third launch trailer

We enter the month of the long-awaited visionary release from Ninja Gaiden guru Tomonobu Itagaki, with the European release of Devil's Third now just a few weeks away.

The action romp has had a pretty adventurous development history, transcending numerous platforms and publishers, but it's finally finding its way to our shores as a Wii U exclusive under the banner of Nintendo.

With gameplay that's not so much over-the-top as escaping-the-ionosphere-of-the-top, and a story that makes Metal Gear Solid look like Doctors, Devil's Third looks like part-shooter part Itagaki-branded hack-and-slash. It also looks to have a surprisingly robust and perhaps addictive online multiplayer mode.

Check out the trailer below.

Devil's Third launches on August 28th. Be sure to stay tuned for our full, comprehensive review.

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