Donkey Kong Country series to be removed from Wii Shop Channel this Sunday

Posted 19 Nov 2012 at 13:32 by Joshua Phillips
The Donkey Kong Country triolgy is set to be removed from the Wii's Virtual Console service on the 25th of November, which is this Sunday. Harsh news indeed, but at least you still have time to download the fantastic games, unlike American gamers, who had no warning that the titles would be taken from the US Virtual Console.
When you open up the Wii Shop Channel, you'll come across a message explaining that the games are set to be removed on Sunday but sadly, Nintendo has given no reason for this.
Pulling some of the best SNES titles from the Virtual Console was bound to evoke some emotion within gamers, and given that Nintendo refuses to comment on the reason for their removal, many have started speculating.
Theories come in all shapes and forms, with some blaming this on Rare, others hoping this is a sign of HD versions appearing on the Wii U and others being even more hopeful that some sort of collection/remake could be in the works.
Of course, none of these theories have been confirmed or denied so just what is going on, if anything, is uncertain at this stage but we'll bring you more as it breaks.