Dragon Ball, Tales and Taiko Drum Master coming to Nintendo Switch

Posted 13 Jan 2017 at 22:15 by Ashley Jones
Bandai Namco has release a press statement that very quietly announced three new games, in fact it was so unassuming that only one was mentioned in the body of the press release itself.
The subject of the press release noted that the studio is working on Dragon Ball XENOVERSE 2 as well as a name Tales and Taiko Drum Master game. However, in the body itself (which is only a paragraph long) it is only Dragon Ball XENOVERSE 2 that gets discussed.
Dragon Ball XENOVERSE 2 came out late last year for the PS4, Xbox One and Windows, while the Tales and Taiko Drum Master games are new instalments by the sounds of it.
Dragon Ball XENOVERSE 2 is discussed as coming to the Americas in the press release but it is unclear if Tales and Taiko Drum Master will be too, but of course Nintendo did confirm the Switch is region free so it is less of a concern now.
We'll keep you updated with more news as it happens.