E3 2003: Pac-Man GameCube Bound

Nintendo insiders have revealed Nintendo and Namco are collaborating to produce a GameCube incarnation of Pac-Man, and a running demo will be present at E3.

Pac-Man will be making an appearance on GameCube, thanks to a Nintendo-Namco collaboration, insiders have revealed today. The exciting news that a running demo of the title would be present at next week's E3 also reached us today. Insiders claim that, without Namco's knowledge, Shigeru Miyamoto and a team at EAD decided to create a demo of Pac-Man for the Game Boy Advance. Allegedly, the team had recreated the title for GBA in a month or so, and the demo was shown to amazed Namco employees. They decided that a GameCube incarnation should be created, which could link up with the Game Boy Advance version, to advance the fun factor of the title.

According to the insiders, the connection works like this; the title is designed for 4 players, one takes control of Pac-Man on the Game Boy, and sees the map on the GBA screen in traditional form. The other three players take control of 3 ghosts on the GameCube, the screen is split into 3 circles, each player having their own circle, which takes the form of an isometric view of the map, but no player can see all the map, making the search for the Pac-Man even more thrilling. Insiders revealed that the graphics are simple yet cute.

Sources say the title is nothing more than a full-blown demo at this moment in time, we will have more on this at E3.

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