E3 2004: Nintendo Roundtable

Shigeru Miyamoto and Eiji Aonuma recently held a roundtable and the new Zelda was one of the hot topics.

Last night after E3 was closed for the day Miyamoto and Aonuma spoke to several members of the press. While a lot of things were discussed Zelda was perhaps the biggest topic. You can read the full roundtable over at IGN.

Miyamoto: But since then, we've been left with a very big question: and that was, what are we going to do when we decide to make Link a teenager again -- a 16-year-old Link. So after Wind Waker we tried several different models and made varied versions of them. Ultimately we decided that in showing a teenage Link really the best style of expressing him would be something that's closer to our graphical style in Ocarina of Time. So Mr. Aonuma actually wasn't lying at the Game Developer's Conference when he said we were working on Wind Waker 2. He just didn't tell the whole story. And fortunately because he didn't tell the whole story, we were able to surprise you all here with a big announcement about the series.

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