E3 2004: Pandora Tomorrow Date

Posted 12 May 2004 at 18:49 by guest
Ubi Soft have revealed a European release date for Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow- as well as unveiling some new features.
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, the sequel to Ubi Soft's best-selling stealth-'em-up- will hit European shores on July 1st, 2004. Pleasingly, our friends on the other side of the pond get it on the very same date.
Specifically for the GameCube, the player can connect Pandora Tomorrow to a Game Boy Advance and unlock eight new levels on the GBA iteration, once you've achieved certain goals on the GameCube version. The GBA also acts like a second screen- showing different perspectives as well as maps and the like. The handheld can also control certain gadgets and weaponry.