E3 2005: Conference - Smash Brothers Online

Smash Brothers has been confirmed Online. Additonal Game details...Metroid, Zelda, something new...

Nintendo's Satoru Iwata wasted no time on the Revolution talk: he stated immediately Nintendo was pushing its teams to bring all of their major franchises Online, thansk to the Revolution's built-in WiFi capabilities.

As part of this, Smash Brothers has been confirmed to be under heavy development...and it will be Online.

Among the additonal Revolution titles confirmed to already be in development include a new Zelda game, an amazing Metroid title...and perhaps most intriguing, Iwata-san commented that Shigeru Miyamoto had his teams under lock-and-key, hard at work on a brand new style game. This original IP is apparently slated for release alongside the Revolution's debut.

We'll be updating this as more new information is revealed, definitely stay tuned.

UPDATE: I should probaly mention that Iwata was pushing his team for the game and intends to have the game fully online-ready and available at launch. That will drive sales.

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