E3 2005: Conference - Zelda Showing

During the conference Nintendo announced new information on the upcoming Zelda game. Click click click!

Nintendo have just broadcast, live on the internet to millions of adoring fans and to the packed L.A conference hall, a brand-new Zelda trailer. And to describe it as stunning would be a gross understatement.

To the strains of a glorious, booming, emotional orchestrated soundtrack, we saw a much-improved looking (improved? Oh yes, a leap even from the recent GDC footage) Zelda, now officially sub-titled ‘Twilight Princess’.

What do you need to know? That wolf seen in the previous trailer is Link, and he turns into it during the game as this new footage shows. A darker, exhilarating, and beautiful-looking Zelda is very much in evidence. To be quite honest, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to believe this is a GameCube game, such is the graphical polish this game exudes. And it’s playable on the show floor from tomorrow.

We’ll have the full trailer available for download as quick as humanly possible.

Posted earlier today:
E3 2005: Zelda Screens
E3 2005: The Zelda Logo

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