E3 2005: Everything Zelda

Posted 18 May 2005 at 11:29 by guest
We've seen the beautiful new trailer... now so can you. Run, don't walk.
At Nintendo's Pre-E3 Press Conference in Los Angeles this evening, footage of many awesome games was shown... but of course there can be only one that everyone considered a must see. The new trailer for the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess wowed the audience all over again with spectacular visuals and art direction, and tantalizing new details.
Click here to see the The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess E3 2005 trailer, courtesy of Zelda.com
Updated. Nintendo have just released the press release for the game, which contains some interesting new story information.
"Link, a young man raised as a wrangler in a small, rural village, is ordered by the mayor to attend the Hyrule Summit. He sets off, oblivious to the dark fate that has descended upon the kingdom. When he enters the Twilight Realm that has covered Hyrule, he transforms into a wolf and is captured. A mysterious figure named Midna helps him break free, and with the aid of her magic, they set off to free the land from the shadows." Additionally, the game is said to feature a return for some old faces from previous games - Tingle, anyone?.
2nd Update! A Nintendo roundtable today has brought more information to light. The "Twilight" part of the title represents the dark and evil force spreading throughout the world and there will be a light/dark world-esque element to the game, with some puzzles requiring you to go back and forth through the two worlds. The creature riding wolf Link in the trailer is originally an enemy, but eventually teams up with you to fight a "greater evil".
Also confirmed is that Link is able to communicate with animals, and they can teach him abilities. The overall size of the game is much larger than Ocarina of Time, and features more dungeons than OoT. Additionally, the title will be fully orchestrated - a first for the series.
Here's the rest of Cube-Europe's articles from this monumental game's showing at the conference in one handy place.