E3 2005: Miyamoto Speaks!

Nintendo gaming legend Shigeru Miyamoto is interviewed about Revolution, Mario 128, Zelda and Nintendo's future.

IGN has interviewed the veritable God of Nintendo fans everywhere and his answers on what Nintendo are up to with their next console and Nintendo's "hush-hush" conference this year at E3 make interesting reading.

He was asked when Nintendo were actually going to reveal what is so revolutionary about the Revolution's controller and replied that apparently Nintendo still haven't decided, citing the fact that Nintendo's ideas had been stolen in the past by rival companies too many times - for example the Analogue Stick and Rumble Pak.

He also gives an update on Mario 128, saying the game is still in experimental stages and briefly mentions next-gen versions of the Metroid and Smash Bros franchises.

For the full story, click here to read the complete article from IGN.

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