E3 2005: Nintendo Focus On GBA & DS

At this year's E3 it seems that Nintendo will be focusing on the GBA and DS, along with the DS's online services, rather than the Revolution.

This year Nintendo will not be focusing upon their next generation hardware, unlike Sony and Microsoft, and instead will focus more upon the GBA and DS. A revision to the GBA hardware is to be shown and the DS's online plans will be discussed in greater depths, while the Revolution will only be shown through a video of next-generation footage.

There are rumours that Nintendo will show off the new version of the GBA during the conference. However it seems that this will not be the "GBA2" but rather an update of the GBA, with suggestions of built-in wireless networking and Play-Yen also being built-in. For now though it is all talk.

Nintendo also plan on showing off their DS online plans, which have been talked about before now. The scheme is due to be launched before the end of the year and will probably be similar to Revolution's, so the details largely apply to both.

While some fans will be disappointed that the Revolution will not be featured at E3 it means that it will not be overshadowed by the Xbox 360 and PS3 unveilings, and will also allow Nintendo to "check out the competition" as so to speak.

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