E3 2005: Sega's Lineup

Shadow the Hedgehog headlines Sega's Gamecube offerings, while Gunstar Super Heroes explodes on the GBA. More inside.

Sega has released their list of expected titles to be shown at E3 next week. Gamecube owners have a couple titles to look forward to, including the original Shadow the Hedgehog and Spartan: Total Warrior. On the GBA, Sega is expected to have a playable Gunstar Super Heroes, the Treasure-developed sequel to Genesis/Megadrive classic Gunstar Heroes, ready to go.

Just for you, Nintendo platform games are in bold:

  • Condemned: Criminal Origins
  • Full Auto
  • Gunstar Super Heroes
  • NHL Eastside Hockey Manager 2005
  • Phantasy Star Universe
  • Shadow the Hedgehog
  • Shining Force Neo
  • Spartan: Total Warrior
  • Virtua Tennis: World Tour
  • Worldwide Soccer Manager 2006

A couple other Sonic titles are expected, and this likely includes the DS Sonic game that was on demo at last year's E3. Sega also seems intent on getting a leap on Next-Gen development. Heres hoping for some announced Revolution support at the show.

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