E3 2005: Twilight Princess Logo Revealed

Posted 17 May 2005 at 00:26 by Tom Phillips
The logo for the new Gamecube Zelda title has leaked, and could give interesting insight into the game.
After the subtitle to the new Zelda game found it's way onto the Internet earlier this week, the logo has followed suit.
Gamers have been speculating what role the wolf, seen at the end of the GDC 2005 trailer for the game, has to play. The wolf shape in the logo must mean it's a significant part of the story, and what with the game's title probably being a reference to Zelda, could this mean our favourite Hyrulian princess is cursed to turn into animal form after dark?
The game will be completely unveiled tomorrow evening at Nintendo's press conference which Cube-Europe will bring you news from live and as-it-happens. Keep it here to be the first to know more.