E3 2006: Four New Nintendo Franchises For Wii

Three brand-new titles for Wii from Nintendo - Excite Truck, Project H.A.M.M.E.R., and Disaster: Day of Crisis!

Nintendo will usher in the Wii with not just existing franchises, such as Mario and Metroid, but with brand-new ones as well. Three new games were revealed during the E3 speech, all just glimpsed for a short time and video-only, the first of which was Excite Truck.

Get ready for a big-air experience like no other as players rocket their trucks across dynamically changing terrain which deforms in real-time as you pick-up items. The smallest bump in the road can be turned into a huge ramp! Remember tilting your arms while playing Excitebike to try to make your character land a huge jump? Well, that experience is finally a reality with Excite Truck, a wild, off-road race only possible on Nintendo's Wii console. Players hold the Wii Remote like an NES controller to control the truck. The 2 button is the accelerator, the 1 button is the brake, the + Control Pad is the turbo... but that's just the beginning. Tilt the Wii Remote right and left like a steering wheel to steer. Once the truck goes airborne, tilt the Wii Remote every which way to line up perfect landings for turbo boosts.

Next up was Project H.A.M.M.E.R., which features some serious hammer-em-up fighting gameplay against killer robots invading the USA. With the military is powerless against them, it is up to players to control one of the game's cyborg prototypes: half-man, half-machine, with an extraordinary weapon - and the power to save the world. Equipped with a hammer of amazing strength, players represent the only hope against an unstoppable army of marauding automatons. Players use the Nunchuk controller in one hand to maneuver through a variety of vast and detailed environments and the Wii Remote in the other just like a real hammer to control the hero's weapon. Swing the controller side to side to make the in-game hammer send enemies flying. Lift it into the air and bring it down to smash robots to smithereens. Use the A button for quick hammer flurries.

The third title was the adult looking Disaster: Day of Crisis. The preview clip showed an adult looking game featuring an erupting volcano, a desperate looking man, and a car crash. You must survive nature's most devastating catastrophes, in this panic-inducing survival game. When a wave of natural disasters pummels the United States, a rogue special forces unit takes advantage of the chaos and seizes a nuclear weapon. Only Ray, a former member of an elite rescue task force, has decided to take a stand. Players race a car down a mountain to escape a roaring pyroclastic flow, dodge toppling buildings during a devastating earthquake and swim for their lives in a raging flood. No matter what happens, fight to survive.

Finally, Nintendo is developing a compendium of three sports based titles to be released together. Called Wii Sports, it will feature tennis, golf and baseball games all controllable via the Wii-mote. It uses a cartoonish style of 3D graphics, which looks simple - reflecting the easy to master controls. Tennis is for 1-4 players, and in it players can grab the controller like a racket and swing � the game will register forehands, backhands, volleys, lobs, slices, spin and power depending on how fast the user swings and at what angle. Don't worry about moving around the court to get to the ball � the game automatically moves players into position. Baseball is for 1-2 players, and in the game you must grip the controller like a bat and swat fastballs out of the park in a home run derby. Timing and bat speed will make all the difference between going yard and whiffing, so keep an eye on the ball and swing for the fences. In the two-player game, one player pitches and the other bats. Finally, Golf is a one-player game, and in it you must step up to the tee, hold the controller like a golf club and swing naturally to smack the ball onto the green. The harder players swing the club, the farther the ball will fly, so be sure to take some practice swings before going for the pin. After reaching the green, line up putts carefully, practice the stroke and try to hole out. Nintendo have stated that additional games may be added to the Wii Sports group.

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