E3 2006: Mario Galaxy Soon After Launch

Posted 11 May 2006 at 08:27 by Tom Phillips
Shigeru Miyamoto confirms Mario's mega-anticipated next-gen platformer will hit within the Wii's first six months.
The legendary game designer has said that Mario's mega-anticipated next-gen platformer will hit within the Wii's first six months! Speaking at the unveiling of Smash Bros. Brawl last night, Shigsy said that "[Galaxy was] progressing along quite well, but it's often said that when I get involved in a project I upend the tea table. I don't want to promise anything yet. But if it's not a launch title it will definitely be there within the first six months."
The latest dates from Nintendo suggest we should have Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Twilight Princess for launch anyway, so with Mario Galaxy, and then Smash Bros. Brawl just down the line, the Wii can carry on momentum.