E3 2006: Mario & Metroid Show Floor Footage

If you're any type of Nintendo fan, you'll want to see these. Seriously. Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime: Corruption footage ahoy!

Thank the lord for YouTube. Two seriously cool videos have hit the web, the first showing off the playable demo of Super Mario Galaxy from the show floor - and also the Classic Controller and Zapper attachments - the first time we've seen the former physically attached to the Wii-mote. This not-withstanding, the chance to see Mario jumping and planet-hopping via the new controller is amazing. Drop whatever you're doing and watch it on YouTube now: YouTube.com/watch?v=NuMeAVJ1EE0.

And Samus isn't left behind either - more playable demo footage from the show-floor, this time show-casing the bounty-hunter blasting Space Pirates and looking all spiffy at the same time. Your linkage for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption footage is here: YouTube.com/watch?v=aZppOoh_Hek.

Big thanks to R-E reader Jon Alfredsson for the heads-up on these!

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