E3 2006: Nintendo's Wii 'Steals The Show'

News agency Reuters has commented that Nintendo stole the show at E3, with queues waiting to play the Wii dwarfing those of Sony.

Reuters is reporting thatthe wait for hands-on time with the Wii "pushed past four hours" on Thursday afternoon, while over at Sony's booth the queue to try out Sony's PS3 was "barely 30 minutes".

"You have to play (Wii) in order to understand what it is," said Don James, Nintendo's executive vice president of operations, who was himself suprised at the sheer numbers of people queueing. After 3pm he said that Nintendo had to stop allowing people into the line as there was no way they would be able to see the console before the convention center closed three hours later. "I didn't think the line was going to go around the whole convention center," he said.

The event's security team estimated that as many as 1,500 - 2,000 people were in the Wii line at any time. Read the full article over at Reuters here!

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