E3 2007: Nintendo Bringing Professor Layton To US

Posted 12 Jul 2007 at 13:11 by guest
And chalk another one up on the classic DS games list...
Nintendo slyly let slip among their E3 press materials that they plan on bringing the gorgeous-looking Professor Layton and the Mysterious Village to North America. Developed and published by Level 5 in Japan, the game sold impressively, and garnered extremely positive reviews. It's an adventure game, but with the emphasis very much on touch-screen brain teasers.
The graphical style of the game is stunningly beautiful - in fact, the title boasts some of the highest production values on DS. Built from the ground up just for Nintendo's handheld wonder, Layton is going to be an essential purchase for anybody who enjoyed Hotel Dusk, Phoenix Wright, or even the Brain Training titles.
Add in Wi-Fi Connection support for downloading weekly challenges and you've got something even more special. Watch this space.