E3 2007: Smash Bros No Show

Posted 13 Jul 2007 at 09:06 by Adam Ducker
Smash Bros. is not appearing at E3 at all...
It has been known since last week that Smash Brothers Brawl would not be playable at E3 but many expected that it would at least be demonstrated to the world's media. So far this has not been the case with little more than a few seconds of footage accompanying Reggie's announcement of the December US release date. So why are they holding back showing one of the most anticipated Wii games of the year?
Well Nintendo's Beth Llewelyn explained all when she said they did not want to distract from other games being demoed and with Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 both due for release in August and November it does seem like a logical decision.
However, she did also comment that: "After we get back from E3, we'll look at the calendar and figure out the right time to do something very specific for Smash Bros. Brawl, hinting that a Smash Bros. centred event could well be in the pipeline. Hopefully such an event would help provide a more suitable environment to demonstrate the online play, something that has been speculated upon following its none-appearance during Nintendo's online plans chat during their conference.