E3 2008: Iwata Apologizes

Satoru Iwata apologizes for the lack of core games at E3 and explains the situation.

The next in line to comment the lack of core games at E3 is none other than Nintendo President Satoru Iwata in an interview with Forbes.

Here is an excerpt from the interview:

"We are sorry about [the E3] media briefings, specifically for those who were expecting to see Nintendo show something about Super Mario or Legend of Zelda"

"If there is any perception that Nintendo is ignoring the core gamers, it's a misunderstanding and we really want to get rid of that misunderstanding by any means.The so-called big titles need a long, long development period...we really didn't think this year's E3 media briefing was the time to do so."

You couldn't get an apology from someone higher up in Nintendo if you tried. Discuss away.

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