E3 2008: Nintendo Conference Recap

Posted 15 Jul 2008 at 09:36 by Tom Phillips
E3 2008: With the conference due, expectations are high, excitement is at fever pitch. The N-E team are online and ready - keep it locked here for the next couple of hours for all the breaking news.
Here's our recap of the 2008 Nintendo Conference: what happened and when.
18:15 And it's over! We're now prepping all the media from the conference to upload. Hope you enjoyed :)
18:12 Reggie and Cammie sum up. He states that the term "fad" that some have been applying to the Wii and DS is no longer operable. Through Nintendo's positive disruption of the industry, these devices are here to stay.
18:00 Coming this year is Wii Music, featuring drums controlled by Wiimote, Nunchuck and Balance Board for bass drum. Shigys appears playing the Wiimote Sax. Over 50 different instruments just by using your body. Balance Board is optional. Note matching games, a handbell choir and orchestra conducting (a la Miyamoto at E3 2006) will all be included. Players can build up instruments you've recorded to put together to create a tune. Multiplayer it supports four simultaneously, though somehow there's six parts playing on-screen (maybe some were pre-recorded). We're treated to a version of the Mario theme from Shigsy and co.
17:59 Coming this year is Wii Music, featuring drums controlled by Wiimote, Nunchuck and Balance Board for bass drum. Shigsy appears playing the Wiimote Sax.
17:53 They're playing Wii Sports Resort - the first minigame is Puppy Frisbee - throw it and you have to get your dog to catch it. Reggie's trying out a Jet Ski minigame. Finally Bill shows off a Sword minigame, where you slice through logs of wood to practice, before taking on your opponent. Reggie beats Cammie and pushes her off the stage. "That's why they call me the Regginator" he says. Cammie then beats him. "Uh, we may have just seen the birth of the Camminator," he quips. Wii Sports Resort launches next Spring.
17:50 And finally we get to Wii MotionPlus. Reggie is back on stage, and explains it'll render every shift of your wrist/arm into gameplay. Wii Sports Resort will use this new peripheral. One MotionPlus and extended Wii Jacket will ship with every Wii Sports Resort. Cammie and Bill Trinen are on stage, the latter saying that MP makes using the Wiimote fresh again like using it for the first time.
17:49 Cammie explains how the DS will be used in airports for more functionality for travellers.
17:47 Here's a big surprise: Grand Theft Auto DS: Chinatown Wars is coming to DS this December. Based on a modern day Liberty City.
17:43 Cammie back on stage. Apparently females are levelling the DS playing ratio with males. Guitar Hero: On Tour Decades is coming, a new version of the original Guitar Hero: On Tour. Spore Creatures: showing off the creature creator, the game is custom to the DS. Pokémon Rangers: Shadow of Almia coming to US in December.
17:40 Reggie says the conference will focus on three third-party games out of the many coming up. The first is Star Wars: Clone Wars, which seems to feature that lightsabrey goodness everyone's been wanting to use. Next up is Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party, which features more of the same craziness. Rabbids racing down a frozen river on a donkey, etc. The third title is Call of Duty: World at War, which actually doesn't look bad. Lots of people on fire, missile strikes causing the whole screen to vibrate. The game will feature co-op mode and Zapper support.
17:32 Reggie on stage, talking sales. Lots of healthy figures for Wii and DS. 600,000 copies in six weeks of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. 180 million total sales for Pokémon franchise so far. DS sales 29% of last year. Metroid and Mario early in Wii's lifetime to "satisfy and reassure non-gamers.", but also with WiiSports and WiiFit for the non-gamers. So far 19 third-party games have exceeded 400,000 units in US from 14 different publishers.
17:29 Voice chat just got enabled. Called WiiSpeak, it sits on top of the sensor bar and allows you to chat in Animal Crossing.
17:26 Animal Crossing: City Folk for Wii is shown. Out 2008 for Wii. Very similar graphics for the town section. All the usual Animal Crossing stuff. But also now includes the City - a brand new area. There is an auction site, a Happy Room Academy to find out about other player's. A Fashion Designers. And Harriet's beauty salon to change your hairstyle or to put on a mask and look like your Mii. Picture attachments for mail to other players, Wii message board, or PCs/Mobiles.
17:17 Iwata on stage. He talks on what has actually changed during the "paradigm shift" that has occurred in the past few years of gaming. He mentions that the internal development teams behind Mario and Zelda are at work on new titles for Wii. Europe: 200,000 DS units per week. 700,000 Wii systems over the last three months. Wii version of Guitar Hero outselling all others.
17:11 Cammie Dunway on stage. "My name is NOT Reggie.." She talks of a snowboarding trip she has just been on.. and brings out.. Shaun White to test out a new snowboarding title for the Balance Board: Shaun White Snowboarding. Cammie tries it out herself, she's not that bad! It's out exclusive to Wii by the end of 2008.
17:06 Nintendo like to keep everyone waiting. The stage is showing projections of various non-gamer type people playing games.
17:02 GMT: These things always start a little late. Still waiting at the mo.