E3 2008: No MotionPlus For Force Unleashed

Posted 17 Jul 2008 at 00:23 by Tom Phillips
Despite appearances, the Wii version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed will not utilise Wii MotionPlus.
It's to be expected really - the first MotionPlus title (Wii Sports Resort) isn't out until 2009. Which means that LucasArts' lightsabre 'em-up will not feature the sweetly accurate controls of Resort's "Doggie Disc".
Our friends over at Kombo spoke to LucasArts about the issue directly, and got a definitive denial on the issue. Says Kombo:
"Christopher Cook of LucasArts confirmed today to us that Unleashed will not feature MotionPlus compatibility."
Which is a pity, really.