E3 2008: Sony Conference Highlights

We sat through the Sony conference so you didn't have to. We recap the important events inside.

Sony began their conference by recapping the big games out this year, plus the fact that Blu-Ray won the format war with HD-DVD. It's the "best futureproof way to get a Blu-Ray player." It's interesting that Sony are referencing the PS2 still as a currently supported console, and that they are the only company to currently have "three successful consoles."

Footage shown included Resistance 2, with 8-player co-op and 60-player competitive modes. A budget price range including lots of PS3 hits for $29.99 was also revealed. More Buzz and Singstar titles are on the way with downloadable content, for both PSP and PS3.

Lots of time was spent on Playstation Network content, including downloadable movies, TV shows and games. Other titles shown included a new Ratchet & Clank, and a Resistance game for the PSP. The first footage of DC Universe Online was shown off, showing off many DC comic book heroes and villains.

The conference concluded with a very short trailer for Gods of War III on the PS3, out sometime in 2009 and MAG (Massive Action Game), which supports up to 256 players online simultaneously, divided into 8-man squads.

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