E3 2009 Media: Silent Hill Shattered Memories

Posted 03 Jun 2009 at 08:36 by Aaron Clegg
Comprehensive coverage of the chilling remake can be found inside...
When Silent Hill: Shaterred Memories was announced for Wii as a total 'reimagining' of the original title in the popular horror franchise, we were intruiged. A few positive previews later and we were optimistic. After its showing at E3 this week, we're absolutely pumped.
We've added ten new screens to the gallery, so be sure to check them out be clicking here.

"Aww come ooooon! Give us a kiss!"
IGN were also lucky enough to grab an extensive hands-on with the game's demo. Check out the first part of the video walkthrough below.
Where's Shattered Memories looking on your most-anticipated list? Sound off below...