E3 2009: Super Mario Galaxy 2 Unveiled

Posted 02 Jun 2009 at 11:05 by Aaron Clegg
Ask and you shall receive! Mario is star trekking across the galaxy yet again on Wii!
"Leave it to me." The immortal words spoken by Shigeru Miyamoto when asked by a journalist if he'd ever consider working on a sequel to Super Mario Galaxy. The man doesn't back down on his word, as we can now announce that Super Mario Galaxy 2 is indeed real and is present at E3 2009!
Joined this time by Yoshi as well, Mario is back for the first time in a second full platforming game on any Nintendo console. And, dare we say it, its looking even better than before?
Yoshi can use his tongue swing across gaps, as well as eat different fruits that give him different properties, such as the ability to float up like a balloon. Another item showcased is a drill that Mario can carry, allowing him to drill through dirt surfaces, access new areas or attacking a boss's weakpoint for massive damage. Items such as the Bee Suit will also be making a return.