E3 2009: Wii Fit Plus Incoming?

Wii Fit Plus real?

As soon as it appeared on a few retailers release lists back in April, Wii Fit Plus seemed to disappear and become nothing but rumour. Hinting that it would launch in July, many seemed perplexed as to why Nintendo hadn't released any information on the title.

As time has proven we've seen Nintendo revert to announcing titles at the last possible moment. (See Excitebots as recent proof.) Today that seems to be the case again as Nintendo have officially registered the trademark in Japan as well as adding an official logo to the trademark.

Furthermore, N-E are hearing rumours of an 'E3 launch' of the title which will supposedly come as a sole piece of software, offering more exhaustive exercises than the original Wii Fit and will target those looking for something to spice up the existing balance board.

Real enough? We don't doubt it when we see the ongoing crazy sales of the original Wii Fit. Question is: Do you want more?

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