E3 2009: Wii Sports Resort Details

Sky diving, basketball, archery, and a whole lot more. Wii Sports Resort has been fully revealed at E3!

Nintendo's Bill Trinnen took the stage at E3 today (along with Nintendo president Reggie Fils-Aime) to demo Wii Sports Resort, which fully utilises the expanded controls provided by Wii Motion Plus.

Beginning the game you must parachute out of an aeroplane, where your Wii-mote becomes your body, and its tilts and turns control your body in the air, allowing you to dive, turn and grab onto fellow jumpers to take part in some in-air formation diving.

Also demoed were new mini-games Basketball - which looked more like a shooting hoops competition than a full title during the demonstration, and also Archery, where you must counteract wind resistance and distance to reach the target. Also featured were jet-skiing, golf, table tennis, samurai sword wielding and more.

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