E3 2010 Breaking: Zelda: Skyward Sword Announced

Posted 15 Jun 2010 at 10:15 by Ashley Jones
Nintendo kicked off their conference with a huge title reveal: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
In the first few moments of their E3 conference Nintendo showed their new Zelda title, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. The game features a cel-shaded art style but stars 'adult Link', the more grown-up incarnation of the Hero of Time as featured in the latter half of Ocarina of Time.

The title will exclusively use Wii MotionPlus for sword control (along with other weapons), with the Nunchuck to control the shield. Miyamoto was on hand to show how the game works and explain that each time they approach a Zelda title they try to figure out the best way to control it and they feel that this is the best method yet.
The Wii Remote is used for swordplay and also to use items. Z-targeting will be back as well, which was demonstrated by Miyamoto in the midst of a battle with a Deku Shrub. Spin attacks and sword beams will also be available to use to ensure you have a multitude of ways to land a hit on your enemies. The A-button will let you jump in battle and pick up items or read text, as is typical. Unlike previous games items will not be assigned to buttons but rather you press the B button on the Wii Remote and swing it to select your item.

The slingshot was also shown and you did not need to point the Remote at the screen but rather pull it towards you like a real slingshot. Bombs can also be used in a few ways; pressing the A button to place them on the ground, pressing the B button to grab another, raise the Wii remote to throw or drop your hand to roll the bomb.
The bow was also shown and you had to press B and choose the item, press C button on Nunchuck, pull back the Nunchuck and let go to fire the arrow (a la Wii Sports Resort). A new item was shown - a flying beetle. You fire it and use the Wii Remote to move it around in the air. You can also use a whip to grab items, attack enemies and cut grass.

Unfortunately there were a few technical difficulties during the show but Nintendo promised that it was probably due to wireless interference, though the game itself will play smoothly. No exact date was announced but they did state it would not be available until 2011. Expect more information, screenshots and impressions during the show. Stay tuned!
Update: For the first gameplay footage of the title, check out the first trailers right now!