E3 2010: Donkey Kong Country Top 10

Posted 18 Jun 2010 at 07:14 by Tom Phillips

So, you're a die-hard Donkey Kong fan who has dreamt of this moment since the banana birds stopped talking in 1996. You've re-played the original trilogy over and over (even struggling through the GBA remakes albeit enjoy the remastered DKC3 tracks), but now you have hope, hope that DK Barrel Blast (or Jet Race to some of us) was just a very bad dream...
So let's look at what Retro should do to ensure that DKC on the Wii is a successful return to the glory days of the SNES DKC games.

10) Classic tracks
As soon as we heard that familiar drum beat at E3, we knew DKC was returning. Ask anyone what their DKC memories consist of and music will play a large part. We hope Retro are aware of DKC's classic tracks to ensure that DKC on Wii is as much an audible treat as it's predecessors.
9) The Kong's
What good is DKC without the Kong family? Thankfully Diddy is returning in a nod to the original DKC so now all we need is confirmation that Dixie, Kiddy, Cranky, Funky and Candy are returning. Could we stomach a return from Wrinkly's ghost, Swanky and other Kong's like Tiny, Lanky and Chunky? Maybe Retro should keep things in line with DKC's 2D roots...
8) Variety
Sure the Jungle is where DK is at his most recognisable but we cannot wait to see if Retro can match the variety of the original trilogy's settings. With lava and mine-cart levels already shown we've faith that Retro will deliver in spades.

7) Animals
The supporting cast of animals in the DKC universe are sometimes more important than the Kong's themselves. We look forward to seeing if the original five of Rambi, Enguarde, Winky, Expresso and Squawks return. However, we wouldn't say no if some of the DKC2/3 animals made an appearance. After all, if an underwater level appears, Glimmer is a shoe in..
6) Enemies
Sure, the Kremlings may make an appearance (and so they should!) but it's the wealth of existing enemies Retro have at their fingertips that could make this game a true treat. Surely King K Rool will be behind everything and hopefully Retro can recapture the wealth of enemies that Rare created to give DKC on Wii plenty of variety.
5) Bonus!
As Rare went collectable crazy on the N64, it was probably the DKC games that gave rise to this fascination. By the time DKC3 came around there were so many different types of bonuses to collect that the amount of content was, at times, overwhelming. We'd like to see the bonus barrels return as they made sure gamers explored every nook and cranny but a fine balance for collectables is a must. Nice to see the KONG letters reappear though!

4) Graphics
DKC pushed the SNES further than anyone predicted possible so we'd love to see DKC on Wii do the same. Early shots looks good, if not spectacular, yet we're well aware of the talent Retro Studios have. Here's hoping that DKC on Wii has some truly jaw dropping moments.
3) Atmosphere
Ask any DKC fan what they loved about DKC on the SNES and chances are they will mention the atmosphere of the game. The culmination of sublime graphics and excellent music went on to augment the locales that DK traversed. Remember seeing snow slowly coming in from the distance and fog oozing across those mine levels? We hope Retro bring some of that isolation they harnessed in Metroid along for the journey.
2) Challenge
As much as DKC was about buddying up and taking on enjoyable 2D platforming levels, at times it was frustratingly hard. Anyone who has played DKC2 knows how tough it got in parts (Lost World anyone?) hopefully DKC on Wii will have moments that will test the hardcore Kongsters all over again.

1) Fun!
There's just something 'fun' about the original DKC trilogy. From the hilarious comments Cranky made to the Swanky quizzes and cool Funky dance tracks, DKC was drenched in light hearted moments which made the game an enjoyable experience outside of platforming. We'd love to see the laughable boss battles re-appear (with Nintendo endorsed bananas of course). Furthermore, Diddy donning shades and rocking on the guitar should be a joke that even Retro have fun with!
What are you hoping for in DKC? Let us know via your comments below.
- Mark Lee
Staff Writer, N-Europe.com