E3 2010 Media: Super Scribblenauts E3 Trailer

The official E3 trailer for Super Scribblenauts has been released, promising to make adjectives fun once again!

Scribblenauts let players solve puzzles and complete levels using whatever they could imagine. With thousands of possible words, and as such a plethora of ways to complete a level, it is one of the DS's most unique titles.

Gamers can now look forward to the sequel, Super Scribblenauts, which promises a new control method (allowing for control-pad usage), bigger levels and even more words. Adjectives are the name of the game here and the trailer shows just some of the possible uses, including 'Gentlemanly Red Raptor' and 'Zombified Telekinetic Bully'.

Super Scribblenauts will be on show at E3 so expect more information, screenshots and impressions in the coming days. For now prepare yourself for the game by whipping old that old thesaurus and luxuriate in discovering new words.

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