E3 2010: Retro Studios Working On Donkey Kong?

One of the fruitier rumours to come out of the pre-E3 buzz concerns Retro Studios' next project...

While some people remain sceptical of the concept Retro Studios will be at this year's E3 convention, IGN seems to be reporting otherwise, and stating that they know what the studio's big project will be.

The site alleges that "credible" sources intimate to them that the Metroid Prime developer has been hard at work at a brand new Donkey Kong revival on Wii. The last non-spin-off, home-console Kong game was the critically-lauded Jungle Beat back in 2005.

While certainly a very interesting rumour, the set-up seems a little conveniently familiar. A little first-party company called Rare were tasked with reviving the same franchise over fifteen years ago, culminating in the fan-favourite Donkey Kong Country. This one seems perhaps a little too coincidental, but there's no reason to discount anything until after next week.

N-Europe will be streaming Nintendo's press conference live on Tuesday, and reporting on everything as it breaks, so there's no need to be anywhere else!

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