E3 2011 Breaking: Wii U Ditching Friend Codes

Posted 09 Jun 2011 at 06:05 by Ashley Jones
It seems as if Nintendo has done away with friend codes in favour of a unified singular account.
Many fans have been critical of Nintendo for their reliance on 'friend codes', a random 12 digit figure for each game that users must swap to play together. When the Nintendo 3DS was announced earlier in the year it did away with friend codes in favour of just one console code and it seems Nintendo are taking this one step further with the Wii U.
Ubisoft producer Adrian Blunt has told MTV that the friend codes system is coming to an end. When asked about Ghost Recon Online and how suitable it would be for the Wii U Mr. Blunt states that machine-assigned accounts are out and individual accounts are in, equivalent to the gamertags found on Xbox Live.
While Adrian Blunt said he can't confirm whether or not achievement-like features will be include "at the moment" he did comment that multiplayer online gaming will be easier with the Wii U than it ever was with the Wii:
"Also the ability to easily find friends. Rather than using friend codes, which we've had in the past, we're able to connect players in a much easier way, which allows us to have a community that's playing together in the game."