E3 2011: id Software Cautious About Wii U

Posted 10 Jun 2011 at 04:41 by Ashley Jones
id Software seem cautious about developing for the newly announced Wii U.
Following Tuesday's announcement of the Wii U Nintendo has managed to win over a lot of developers, who have known about the console for some time already. However, one company that isn't quite on board yet is id Software, responsible for games such as Quake, Doom and the upcoming Rage.
Speaking to Eurogamer Tim Willits, the studio's creative director, claimed that he is unsure if the Wii U will have the right audience for one of their shooting titles, seemingly ruling out the idea of developing for it by claiming they should "keep their toes where they know best". He also discussed how difficult it is for third parties to do well on Nintendo consoles:
"The Nintendo market is a tough market for us to get into. A lot of first party games, a lot of licensed games � those are the ones that have done the best on that platform. I'd love it if we can get a hardcore FPS community going and build on it, but it's tough."