E3 2011: Iwata Hits Back at Second Hand Reports

Nintendo's president Satoru Iwata has hit back at reporters criticising Wii U before they've even played it.

Nintendo unveiled their brand new console on Tuesday during their E3 conference and while many were impressed some questions were raised. Due to the focus being solely on the controller some people were confused as to whether this was a brand new console or simply a Wii accessory.

Satoru Iwata, president of Nintendo, has admitted that they could have made the situation clearer but emphasised that they wanted the attention to be on the new possibilities presented by the controller rather than what's under the hood.

While speaking to the Evening Standard Mr. Iwata also took the opportunity to comment on some negative reports by sources who were not even present at E3. Mr. Iwata rebuts:

"There have been two groups of people writing about our announcement - those like the Evening Standard, who have been able to experience the Wii U, and those who have not, and are simply writing about it from wire stories and pictures. They cannot see how this can be a game changer. What Wii U will offer is very different, but I believe we have the strong potential to change the entire format of videogames and of entertainment."

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