E3 2011: Nintendo Want Mario Kart 8-Player Online

Posted 11 Jun 2011 at 06:50 by Ashley Jones
Mario Kart 3D's producer has claimed Nintendo are aiming for 8-player online.
One of Nintendo's most beloved multiplayer series is Mario Kart and the 3DS version is due out toward the end of the year. Speaking to Joystiq the title's producer Hideki Konno confirms that Nintendo are working hard to ensure the online multiplayer is worth getting excited about.
At present Mario Kart 3D features 8-player local multiplayer and when asked Mr. Konno stated "our goal right now is to have the same number of players for both local wireless and multiplayer over wi-fi." This means if all goes to plan the game will provide 8-player online at a constant 60FPS frame rate.