E3 2011: Sakurai Talks Smash Bros. Wii 4

Posted 08 Jun 2011 at 12:43 by Stephen Thomson
Sakurai talks about the very early in development Smash Bros. Wii U and why we shouldn't expect much news.
During Nintendo's press conference yesterday, Iwata officially announced that the next entry in the Super Smash Brothers series would make it's way to both the 3DS and Wii U. But after this quick announcement there we no more details, and for a good reason.
Sakurai has stated on his Twitter account the following:
"We really shouldn't have announced it for the general public at this timing, but since we have to assemble staff, we made the notice. The future will change depending on the strength of the gathered developers."
He also later said that development wont begin until development of Kid Icarus: Uprising is completed and the reasons why development will be on both titles would perhaps appear in a later Iwata Asks. Sakurai finally went on to say that he hasn't started thinking about what characters the game will include.
Stay with N-Europe and future updates from Sakurai as he gets ineterviewed from E3.