E3 2011: Tekken Wii U Details

Posted 10 Jun 2011 at 04:54 by Ashley Jones
Tekken series producer discusses the confirmed Tekken game for Wii U.
One of the first confirmed third party games announced for the Wii U is the fighting series Tekken, although details about the game are a bit thin on the ground at the moment. Speaking to SPOnG series producer Katsuhiro Harada has said he is unsure about exactly what the Wii U version will be like.
At present they are unsure as to whether the Wii U Tekken title will be a brand new game or a port of a previous game. Mr. Harada states that they are not far into development as they are still assessing the hardware and exploring what it can do. When asked how he feels about the new console he offered the following:
"Some examples you could think of for Tekken Wii U could be for perhaps something akin to a strategy guide. Before now you perhaps would have to go into a specific Practice mode in order to learn about your moves and your enemy's statistics. Now, you could pull up that data on the controller's screen while you're fighting an opponent. There are many possibilities for Tekken right now on Wii U."