E3 2011: Vigil Games Talks About Wii U Power

Posted 07 Jun 2011 at 23:30 by Stephen Thomson
Want to see comments from the developer of the upcoming launch title Dark Siders 2 has to say about the Wii U? Possibly the best version of the game?
Time has now passed since Nintendo announced their latest console, the 'Wii U', and with it a bunch of 3rd party titles got revealed to be in development, one being Vigil Games' Dark Siders 2, which is set to be a launch title to the system. In an interview with GameInformer, General Manager David Adams had some positive things to say about the console.
In the interview it was stated that Vigil Games have several ideas of how to incorporate the Wii U control into Dark Siders 2, such as managing inventory. They also explicitly stated that they're not into adding any gimmicky features to the control that the Wii had at launch. Where it is a normal game but you can use the touch screen for a couple of things and that this control is better than the Wii Remote due to the Wii U controller having features that core games can make use of.
When asked if it was possible that the Wii U version could be the best, David had this to say:
"Yeah, just because the hardware is more powerful and it will have some extra features that I think will actually be useful to people playing the game. With it's controller, [the Wii U version of Darksiders II] might be the best version of the game."
As ever during this E3, stay with N-Europe for more details.