EA Day: NFS Impressions

Sweet! We got to play the beta version of Need for Speed: Hot Purstuit 2. Head inside to read about our experience with the game.

We got to play a beta version, which was only about 50% finished. Even though the game was not finished yet, it already looked like it was ready to be shipped and sold. My hands started sweating of excitement the minute the game started to boot up.

3 - 2 - 1- GO: I raced my car through the roads and tunnels as if I was really behind the wheel. Cops chased me until they crashed their own car and decided to call in the chopper. After numerous attempts to bomb my car from the air they finally got me and I bit the dust. The gameplay and graphics of NFS really amazed me. The car could be controlled with ease and yet also with a touch of realism.

The game is clearly not meant to be a simulation game. NFS has some new 'arcade' features not seen before in the series. I personally liked the 'Matrix' option the best. After pressing the 'Matrix' button, time freezes for a couple of seconds, and the camera circles around your car to show off the sweet graphics engine and of course, your car. Another new option is the 'future' option. After initiating this feature, time freezes for a couple of seconds, then the camera takes you over the road to see what is going on a couple of hundred meters ahead. Handy for avoiding road blocks. The smooth controls of the car took only a few seconds to get used to. A true racing game!

We were told that the GameCube version of NFS will use a more enhanced graphics engine than the PS2 version. Also, the GameCube version will have 50% more events than the Sony version. In short: the GameCube version will rock the house!

The beta version we played only had one song integrated in the game. In total there will be 8 licensed songs featured in the game. One song was enough for me though -- it made for a true gaming experience.

I strongly advice you to buy this game when it gets released on the 24th of October in Europe. This game is the bomb!

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